Friday, June 06, 2008

Review: Sex and the City

Sex and the City: ***
Nonna Rating: $$$
Rotten Tomatoes: 53%

This review is simple. If you are a fan of the show, male or female, see the movie. You'll love it. If you're female and not an avid watcher of the series, but you're not a hater of the series, see the movie. If you're male and have no relationship of any kind with the series, DO NOT SEE THE MOVIE. Do not even accompany your significant other who is a fan out of love and selflessness. You will not like the film and you will slip and say SOMETHING that just ticks her off. I guarantee. Better to avoid this film than do anything that interferes with the pleasure of a woman who is out to see what is, in essence, five episodes of the most girly TV show in history back to back.

What can I say? It's fun. I'd love to talk about my favorite scenes, but I'd spoil them for all of you who are planning to see the movie. See it with girlfriends. Go out for cosmos afterwards. Celebrate sisterhood!

Nonna Rating System:
$$$$ = Worth paying the Friday evening price
$$$ = Worth paying the Matinee price
$$ = Worth a rental
$ = Wait for cable
# = Skip it

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! It was a good time. Nice to have the girls back for a couple hours. My husband went with me - he was a fan of the show - he wishes there had been more of Samantha in the movie. No kidding.
