Sunday, June 06, 2010

Review: Sex and the City 2

Review: Sex and the City 2
Rating: *
Nonna's Rating: #
Rotten Tomatoes: 17%

I had decided to heed the early reviews of Sex and the City 2. They were overwhelmingly awful. Then, I found myself in Alexandria, VA, with my sister who was recuperating from surgery. She wanted to see the movie. I indulged her. You do that kind of thing for little sisters. So, she and I and two other friends traipsed off to the Potomac Mall where we began to think we might be the only people in the theater. At least that might have been fun. We could have talked back to the screen, thrown popcorn, and generally behaved badly. Alas, other unfortunates made their way into the theater.

The film is just as bad as the critics said it was. Here are my gripes:
  1. The plot reuses the old series and movie territory. Nothing new in the storyline -- except that it's set in Abu Dhabi.
  2. And therein lies a big problem. The ladies vacation in an Arab country and don't seem to understand it might be a good idea to dress for the environment and the weather. Five inch heels in the sand? Don't think so.
  3. The movie celebrates conspicuous consumption as if it's 2007. The girls may have the money to splurge, but most viewers no longer aspire to such luxuries. We're a bit lower on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs right now.
  4. The fashions are underwhelming. The camera never lingers on anything that might be interesting. Where were the shoes?
  5. At at least one point in the film, each of the girls looks quite (unintentionally) unattractive. Couldn't the camera and makeup people have done a better job?
  6. The Liza Minnelli doing "Single Ladies" bit was funny for about 5 seconds; then I just wanted to look away.
  7. Charlotte's meltdown over the trials, tribulations, and frustrations of motherhood would be more convincing if she didn't have a full-time nanny and a husband. Single moms must just walk away from this film angry.
  8. The girls doing "I Am Woman" in the Karaoke bar? Could they have looked more uncomfortable? Were they thinking, "This is the end of my career. Right here. Right now. I am woman. Here me squeak."
  9. At 2 1/2 hours -- too, too long
Nonna's Ratings:
$$$$ = Worth paying the Friday evening price
$$$= Worth paying the Matinee price
$$= Worth a rental
$ = Wait for cable
# = Skip it

1 comment:

  1. New blog look? Nice :) The first movie was a fun date night kind of flick, but who wants to fork over another $40 to see the same thing 3 years later. No thanks.
