Saturday, June 04, 2011

Review:Source Code

Review: Source Code
Rating: ***1/2
Nonna's Rating: $$$
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Audience: 82%

A fast-paced thriller with a heart, Source Code manages to deliver a "what if" message that challenges and entertains us at the same time. The movie is tight (93 minutes) and well-paced -- and it doesn't hurt that Chicago looks summertime-good in the film. Jake Gyllenhaal (Captain Colter Stevens) has been tasked with returning over and over again to a critical 8-minute period of time in which he does everything he can to avert a major disaster. It's Groundhog Day meets every "Will-the-bomb-blow-up?" movie you've ever seen. Excellent performances by Gyllenhaal, Michell Monaghan --as the girl he wants to save -- and Vera Farmiga -- as his "control" who knows a lot more than he does. One of the best movies of the year so far.

Nonna's Ratings:
$$$$ = Worth paying the Friday evening price
$$$= Worth paying the Matinee price
$$= Worth a rental
$ = Wait for cable
# = Skip it

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