Monday, June 22, 2009

Wordle Sermon

As a linguist, I am delighted whenever words are bent, broken, twisted, and otherwise delightfully tranformed -- and especially visually. I can't get enought of Visuwords, the visual thesaurus: So, Wordle ( my idea of the bees knees. I submitted my first Seabury sermon to the website, delivered on 2-22-08 -- one week after the traumatizing announcement that Seabury-Western Theological Seminary was ending its 150 year run of educating residential M.Div. students for the priesthood. We had no idea about our futures -- all of us: staff, faculty, and students. Since then, Seabury has begun to rise from its ashes like the proverbial phoenix -- solvent and healthy -- with a new mission and purpose.

Click on the image below for a better view:

Wordle: Seabury Sermon 2-22-08

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